Youth Group

Welcome to Youth Ministries!

Here at First Baptist, our youth group, grades 6th through 12th, is starting a new program called “Grow.” Youth group has their own Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm and on Sunday at 9:30 am. Throughout the year, activities are planned ranging from basketball & craft nights to camp events.


Meet Our Youth Pastor

Hello there! My name is Josh Cortez. My goal for our youth group is not growth in numbers or to have the most exciting activities. I strive to show your teens Jesus and communicate Bible Truths and why they matter in your teen’s life. 

My wife Aimee and I met at Pensacola Christian College where God equipped us for our ministry. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing our love for Jesus and God’s Word with your teens!

Loved People. Loving People.

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